Monday, September 3, 2012


A friend suggested that I start a blog site talking about my cooking, canning, knitting, pets, and outdoor adventures.  I thought it sounded like a fine idea, but didn't really know how to get started.  So here we are!

I live in very rural Idaho on a small farm with 1 man, 2 mules, 3 horses, 4 rottweilers, and 5 Pekin ducks.  I work a full time job, but in my spare time I love to garden, cook, and play outside.  We live in the most sustainable way possible and try to preserve traditional ways of doing things.  We grow as much of our own food as possible and make our own beer and wine.

This blog is intended to be a place for sharing - I want to create a community where like-minded people can bring ideas or lessons learned.  It will also be a place to share those great hiking, biking, and skiing trails we all love to hear about.


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