Monday, January 2, 2017

All Natural Angus Cookies

Angus Cookies

My sweet Rottie Angus got caught trying to snag a warm chocolate chip cookie from the kitchen table a few weeks ago.  His heart was broken that those delicious smelling creations were not for him.  He watches intently every week when I make my DH cookies and really wants to try one.  This weekend, after seeing his pitiful face - I promised to make him some cookies of his own.  One small problem - Angus has a lot of food allergies.  Typical dog cookies with any traditional meat (chicken, beef, lamb) are out.  Grains are also a no-no. So today I set out to develop a grain free - meat free recipe for cookies that my sweet boy can eat without suffering from the itchies later.  


2 cups almond flour
1/2 cup flax meal
1 cup natural (no sugar!) peanut butter
1 tablespoon raw wild honey
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 egg
1/2 cup water

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F

Mix all ingredients together until it looks like cookie-ish dough.  It will be a bit oily from the peanut butter and won't quite have the consistency of human peanut butter cookie dough.

Form dough into 1.5 inch balls and press flat into circles that are between 1/3 and 1/4 inch thick.  Place on ungreased baking sheet and bake for 8-10 minutes.  They do not spread out at all so you can really load the baking sheet up.  The bottom side will brown and the top will not so don't be fooled into thinking they aren't done after 10 minutes.  

This recipe makes five dozen tasty healthy cookies.  They last a week in an airtight container, longer if refrigerated.  Angus definitely approves!

You could also roll the dough out and cut out cute shapes but I can't find my rolling pin at the moment so circles is what Angus got.  I think if you want to roll the dough you may want to add a bit more almond flour and refrigerate the dough before attempting to roll it.

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